Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Norwalk virus group, hepatitis a virus ...

Many species of bacteria are useful types of harmful species. Although the beneficial bacteria to aid digestion and promote good health, poor have the capacity to cause serious health problems. Room is strattera 25mg an integral part of prevention of diseases caused by harmful bacteria. Bad bacteria in the digestive system can lead to food poisoning and disease. Nutritional diseases are caused not only harmful bacteria but also protozoa, viruses, toxins from natural sources, and several pathogenic agents. Pathogenic bacteria can harm the body, causing disease. Typically, they harm the body in certain circumstances. If the existing wounds or certain health problems, pathogenic bacteria use this feature to copy and distribute. There are different types of pathogenic bacteria such as salmonella. , Clostridium botulinum,,,, and. For example, Salmonella spp. is a bacterium that grows in the form of rod and reach the body through the raw seafood, water, insects, pigs, cocoa, cream fillings, desserts, and birds. Enterovirulent group of Escherichia coli is a bacteria responsible for several foodborne diseases. The group consists of four different types of microorganisms that are just

3 different shapes of bacteria

Escherichia coli O157: H7 enterohemorrahicheskie (EHEC)

Escherichia coli - enteropathogenic (EPEC)

Escherichia coli - enteroinvasive (EIEC) and

Escherichia coli - enterotoksihennye (ETEC). Gastroenteritis is the most common digestive disease caused by this group. Parasitic protozoa include microorganisms such as Cyclospora cayetanensis and Entamoeba histolytica. Amebiasis is a common disease caused by protozoan Entamoeba histolytica. Viruses also cause foodborne illness. Norwalk virus group, the virus of hepatitis A, rotavirus, hepatitis virus E, and several virus gastroenteritis completely disrupt the digestive system. In some cases, the person cooking eventually allows his or her own faeces in food, especially if the person is not washed their hands and carefully. Rotavirus and hepatitis A virus usually enters the body through food. There are various forms of natural toxins that enter the body. Tetrodotoksyn enters the body when eating fugu fish without cleaning it properly. This can lead to violent and sudden death. There are other toxins, such as Grayanotoxin and Gempylotoxin caused by poor or old honey and Escolar, respectively. One of the most common pathogenic agents is also investigated. They are not organisms and tissues of animals that are either not grown properly or have infections due to external influences. The disease known as mad cow disease caused by prions. Nutritional diseases can be prevented if the cleanliness maintained at all times, not only wash hands before eating, but also to ensure cleanliness everywhere and in everything. It is also important to buy the raw products such as fish and meat from FDA approved sources. Look at the following resources for more information on pathogenic bacteria, parasites, bacteria, viruses and natural toxins that are known to cause food illnesses. Pathogenic bacteria and Escherichia coli ENTEROVIRULENT GROUP (EEC Group) parasitic protozoa and worms, viruses, natural toxins other pathogenic agents.

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